Project Coordinator - Joseph Prosper

IAS Headquarters

Invasive alien species are considered to be one of the most important causes of biodiversity loss and changes in the ecosystem services while threatening biodiversity for the last four centuries. They have continued to affect several countries and regions to a great extent, as human mobility has gained momentum with the advances of technology, globalization, and transportation. Invasive alien species refer to species which are introduced accidentally or deliberately into an ecosystem where they are not normally found and dominate the ecosystem by affecting biodiversity directly or indirectly, within a specific period.

The Convention on Biological Diversity defines invasive species as alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats, or other species by causing economic or environmental damages via its establishment and invasion.

Since climate change has also accelerated, the invasive alien species have adversely affected biodiversity and ecosystem services by harming the ecosystems while also threatening human health and life quality. In this respect, they have become one of the main threats to the world as these species have spread and multiplied rapidly due to the lack of natural predators and diseases.

These species usually prefer more polluted environments. In Antigua and Barbuda, several invasive alien species (including fish, plants, mammals and insects) have been found and pose a great threat to our natural wealth. In our country, quick identification, rapid assessment, and fast response are of great importance for combating the invasive alien species, which may have arrived naturally or brought intentionally for the purposes like aquarium trade, aquaculture, garden landscape design, recreational activities and fish releasing. It is also extremely important to eliminate, control and prevent the spread and reproduction of invasive alien species in order to protect biodiversity and ecosystem services as well as human health, economic and social wellbeing.

This publication is an important step towards raising awareness on the harmful effects of invasive alien  species and preventing their spread by highlighting this issue.

As the pace of globalization has accelerated and transportation has become easier in recent years, the movements and mobility of human beings, plants and animals gained momentum.

Thus, accidental or deliberate transportation of alien species have also become easier and increasingly widespread. Today, invasive alien species are one of the largest threats to global biodiversity in addition to economic, social and environmental problems they create in both aquatic and terrestrial environments.






This Resource Guide on Invasive Alien Species (IAS1) has received support from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with additional support from the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), the Antigua and Barbuda Government, the Biodiversity team of the Department of Environment (DOE), the Public Education, Training and Information (PETI) Unit of the DOE, and the National Invasive Alien Species Steering Committee.

We express gratitude to the participating private and public organizations and agencies and to the dedicated groups and individuals who have made substantial in-kind contributions.