Background of the IAS Project

IAS Headquarters

The project goal is to manage the risks and costs of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) on important ecosystems, species and genetic diversity in Antigua and Barbuda.

The objective of this project is prevention, early detection, control and management frameworks for IAS that emphasize a risk management approach by focusing on the highest risk invasion pathways of Antigua and Barbuda.

The project is framed under the scenario of existing social and economic interactions within the small island developing states (SIDS) of the OECS and Barbados, and their lack of national policies, awareness and capacity to effectively deal with IAS. The project has been designed in a way that will create an enabling environment to support the management, control and eradication of IAS in the region through national and regional interventions.


The project was designed under the premise that regional understanding of the problem, as well as improved national capacities to better respond to IAS are key for success.

The project will rely on a two-tier approach to achieve its objective and will promote the idea that regional cooperation and knowledge management become the main elements for the development of more advanced and appropriate national measures.

The project aims to address the issue of invasive alien species at the national level through the generation of knowledge pertaining to IAS and their pathways, development of policy and regulatory framework, capacity building, and IAS prevention and management. Sadly, the management of IAS is not yet sufficiently addressed in terms of policy/legislation, professional capacity and active management.

Hence, IAS currently presents a threat. The likelihood of future IAS introductions/ incursions remains very high and is increasing as a result of land degradation and globalization.

The project will attempt to achieve its results through 3 components.

Components 1 and 2 will address the needs of Antigua and Barbuda in relation to national frameworks for IAS management and control, and actual work on the ground that will lead to improved local capacity to deal with particular IAS’.

Component 3 is regional and will be oriented towards addressing common needs of seven OECS countries and Barbados in relation to IAS.

Component 1 Outcome - Strengthened invasive alien species management framework and cross sectoral arrangements reduce IAS threats in terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems. This outcome will be achieved via the following outputs:

a) Critical Situation Analyses

b) National Invasive Species Strategies and Action Plan

c) Legal frameworks for IAS

d) Awareness and capacity building programs

e) Support to the design and implementation of National Cost Recovery Financial Mechanisms

Component 2 Outcome - Eradication and/ or improved control of IAS impacting global biodiversity significance thereby reducing threats to key species.

Component 3 (Regional) Outcome – Increased collaboration among Caribbean states to tackle IAS and Enhanced Regional IAS management through early warning system response measures and capacity building.

The United Nations Environment Program is the implementing agency of the project and will be part of the projects’ steering committee. CABI is the regional executing agency of this project while the Department of Environment (Antigua and Barbuda) is the local partner and the main contact for project implementation.